How to get your home ready for Spring
19th Jan 2015
With winter drawing to a close, now is the time to start getting your home ready for the Spring season. From the interior to the exterior, there are lot of little ways you can prepare your home to help you enjoy the warmer months once they arrive. Spring is the perfect opportunity to throw open the windows, let some fresh air in, and make your home clean, de-cluttered and happy. So here are a few ideas to get you going.
Before you break into fixing the exteriors of the house, one of the biggest parts of spring cleaning is getting rid of clutter that you no longer need to open up more space within your house. Although the thought of having to sort through all your stuff (some of which you’ll have become rather attached to) seems daunting, the end result will be worth it. Once you've sorted everything through, act instantly – go to the tip and the charity shop to clear out the clutter.
Although spring cleaning can be a daunting and timely task to carry out, it can give you a more pleasant home in return. While you don’t necessarily want to carry out any large or expensive renovation projects, you can make small repairs and improvements.
After the long winter months, your interior, especially the windows both inside and outside will be in need of a good cleaning. You will be astonished at how much clearer you can see out once they are cleaned.
If you already have fly screens or insect screens, it’s a good idea to make sure they are in good shape — you don’t want to let flies in with all that fresh air! Why not take a look at our care instructions.
If you don’t have fly screens, then now is a great time to invest. Unlike nets or fly curtains that blow around in the breeze, DIY fly screens are on a frame that holds the mesh securely in place. This means that there are no gaps around the edges where creepy crawlies can sneak through, so you can enjoy the fresh Spring breeze without the bugs.